It's a start!
Greetings! If you have any suggestions concerning the site, I will be happy to oblige you. My HTML coding is somewhat primitive, so you can expect more functionality from this site as time progresses.
Please feel free to explore the site and post your thoughts in the message board (MB).
The "Photo Gallery" link will take you to the photo server. You'll need to email me for an ID and password to access the photo albums. I know this is inconvenient, but I prefer to keep our photos somewhat confidential. Once you have an ID and password, you'll be free to create, upload and comment on gallery photos. All you'll need to do is login. To get an ID, send me an email by clicking here. In your email, please state a preferred ID name and password.
My plans for the "Musicians" link is for a common place to share material. One thought is to set up a database of our music, so that when we get together, we'll be familiarized with each others' work.
I have elected NOT to name this site by any particular sir name. Because our family spans several names, I feel it would be good to include everyone. Who knows.. we might even eventually get in contact with family we don't even know yet! I have taken liberties to give the site a celtic theme, due to the fact that our line of lineage involves celtic origins. Please feel free to suggest any family crests to add. If you are curious about the site's name, Treubh is gaelic (Irish/Scottish) for family, or tribe.
If you have any ideas for more pages and sections, please contact me. Remember that this is the whole family's site, and my hope is that everybody will enjoy participating in it. Thank you for your help.
Warmest Regurds,